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Fin plassering av Selshevneren

A nice location for Selshevneren on Bjarkøy. Photo: Bjørn Opdahl

Selshevneren på Bjarkøy

The Selshevneren on Bjarkøy. Photo: Bjørn Opdahl

Selshemnaren med fjellene på Grytøy i bakgrunenn.

The Selshevneren with the mountains on Grytøy in the background. Photo: Bjørn Opdahl

Monumentet er plassert like ved tunnellen.

The monument is located right next to the tunnel. Photo: Bjørn Opdahl

En flott sitteplass ved monumentet Selshevneren.

A great seat by the monument. Photo: Bjørn Opdahl


Selshevneren (SSH11)

Text: Bjørn Opdahl


Right by the tunnel at Austnes on Bjarkøy.


Follow road 83 north out of Harstad center.

Drive straight ahead at the roundabout on Sama (at Shell petrol station), and onto Kulsengveien (road 8670). Turn right in Ervika, and follow the road (8670) further out to the ferry berth at Stornes.

Take the ferry over to Bjørnå on Grytøya. Drive right after the ferry berth at Bjørnå.

Follow the road (8670) over Grytøya, and through the tunnel to Bjarkøy. Drive left at the junction right after the tunnel opening. The monument is clearly visible from the road.

Description of the attraction

The monument will symbolize the spear Selshevneren who killed Asbjørn Selsbane. The same spear that Tore Hund used when he killed King Olav Haraldsson (Olav the Holy) at the battle of Stiklestad in the year 1030.

The monument is about 12 m high.

Next to the monument is a table with a bench. There is a great view of Kvernsundet, and the mountains on Grytøya, from this place.

Difficulty and time use

The spear is easily accessible when driving a car. It's right by the road.

It takes approx. 35 minutes to drive from Harstad center to where the spear is. In addition, you have to take a ferry from Stornes to Bjørnå (Grytøya). The crossing with the ferry takes 15-30 minutes. There is an underwater tunnel (Kvernsund tunnel) from Grytøya to Bjarkøy. Kvernsundtunnelen is 3,222 meters long and is 125 meters below sea level.